On Easter Sunday, we were surprised with a $2400 cheque from my brother's car club, Midnight Runs. It was unreal. I cried. Andrew cried. Nobody else cried though. It was awkward.
We just want to thank everyone from Midnight Runs for their generous donations. And if you ever need a website made; I'm your girl! I still cannot believe it, and my brother is still rounding up MORE donations from the car club. These guys spend so much money on their cars (because they LOVE their cars), and they somehow found money to give to two people they will likely never meet, it's truly...dumbfounding.
I also want to mention one thing on behalf of my brother. To Midnight Runs : You gave my brother a new lease on life.
From his sister; thank you. (Dude loves to race!)
I've mentioned this before, in my interview, along with anybody who will listen, I get a lot of family support. Most of all, from my mom. Mom's are funny, it doesn't matter how much you change along the way, as their child, they will always dote on you, worry about you, try to make things better for you.
And their hearts are always in the right place.
I love you mom. I'm who I am today, because you made me this way. You are... stoic, brave, unrelenting, loving, smart, beautiful, strong... and a smidge eccentric. And I love you mom.
Because of you, every time I get knocked down, I dust myself off, and get back up again. Knock me down again, and I WILL ALWAYS dust myself off, and get back up again...and maybe throw a punch (thanks dad!).
So, with that said, a big thank you goes to my mom for organizing a charity campaign for Wyatt, at youcaring.com. Wyatt's mom and dad are contemplating going to the US for exome sequencing using the donations. Google exome sequencing. I'm not explaining it.
To Midnight Runs: we'll get Wyatt a dirt bike if there's anything leftover!
Paula Moore, Andrea Miville, Emmanuel Bennitez, Michael Miller, Ingo Jobling, James Freeman, Larry Wilcox, Michael Magda, Carmen Brisson, Sonya & Vince Grant, Quang X. Pham, Sarah Simmons & Tom Pelland, Amanda and Pat Beauvais, Julie Mallette, Sean Smyth, Julie Fairweather, Patrick Cusson, Nora McNeely & Mike Brameld, and last but certainly not least, Matt Wilcox.
And MOM, thank you for cleaning my floors, my bathrooms, putting away Jude and Aila's clothes, even though you don't know where they go, thank you for doing my dishes. Every. Single. Time. You. Come. Over. Thank you for folding my clothes. Thank for doing loads of laundry. Thank you cleaning the play room. Thank you for putting Zoë out when she needs to. Thank you for trying to give me natural ways to relax. Thank you for sitting with Wyatt while I pump.
Thank you mom, for surviving cancer. Not once. Not twice. But three times.
You need a cape. And possibly a sparkly insignia with M across your chest.
And x-ray vision.
xox amy
The answer to Wyatt condition could be in this video