Sunday 6 July 2014

Wyatt's Birthday and New Blenderized Diet

I can't believe a year has gone by with our little guy, and how fast (errr, slowly?) he's grown. He has been in the 10th percentile since he was born. There was a time he was in the 15th percentile, but that was short lived. 

Anyway, Wyatt turned the big 1.0 a week ago, and was his birthday party a success! The kiddies had fun playing with the water balloons, petting the goats, jumping on the trampoline, bean bag throwing, and of course - the pinatas! At one point, a little guy yelled out "This is the best day ever!". I was SOOO happy to hear that. Just made my day.

Because of the weather, Wyatt spent most of his time inside, either in the arms of his godmother, Lisa Hodgins, grandparents or nurse. Oddly enough, I barely saw the little guy! Mom and dad were running around until mid afternoon, and it wasn't until 3-4 o'clock I actually sat down and chatted with an old friend - and yes Crystal, we do need a girls night!

                             Wyatt blogging about his awesome birthday

I just want to send a quick thank you to the following people:

Marie & Claude: you guys are the best, you came to help us with the landscaping, and then again early Saturday to help with the setup, if it weren't for you guys, I don't know how the party would have went;

Bob & Kathleen: thank you for bringing the goats, the kids loved them, and I hope you guys weren't too bored sticking it out with them for the whole party;

Lisa: you were a great helping hand, and you were always zipping back and forth between Wyatt and helping us with the party - one helluva a multitasker!

Quinn & Ashton Brewing Company thank you for the great beer my friend, and thank you for coming - we all know you're a super busy guy who never stops working - it means a lot to our family!

Laura & Brenna: you two ladies are the most awesome pair of people I have the luxury of knowing. It is a luxury, because things are just so much simpler when you've got an awesome nurse (or two) to help out! And - I had NO IDEA how difficult it is to fill water balloons. I was soaked by the time I did 20.

Michelle: thank you for the signing cards. That gift was so thoughtful, I couldn't have even thought of it. I didn't even know they existed! It's really what we need as a family to help bridge the comunication gap between Wyatt and us.
To all of the moms who made/brought food: thank you! I know we're all busy in our own ways, so thank you for taking the time out of your day to bring something to our party!

Thomas & Melissa: how could we have had a pig roast, without the roaster? Thank you for letting us borrow yours'!

Adam: for all of your hard work, and having to listen to Andrew's god-awful ideas. You're a good friend! 

So, all in all, it was a great day. When the sun went down, the last stragglers packed up and went home. I was able to put all three kids to bed in 15 minutes. That my friends... Has Never Happened. In the history of parenthood probably. Three kids. Down. For the count. It was awesome.

To celebrate Wyatt's official one year on this beautiful, green earth we decided to begin his blenderized diet. For those of you who don't know, a blenderized diet consists of vegetables, oils, fruit and anything healthy really. We got our first batch from a recipe taken from the website and so far, Wyatt's stomach has really agreed with it. We used Recipe No.3, with a couple of tweeks. I didn't use all of the types of greens they listed, I just went into my garden and grabbed what was freshly available, so that meant, arugula, kale, beet leaves, red and green spinach, and a little bit of swiss chard. I also replaced some of the beets for more radishes, seeing as I have tons of those. 

By the end of the process, well over two hours, I had about a weeks' worth of blended liquid for Wyatt's Gtube. None of this will be entering his mouth, this food will solely be used with his feeding aparatus. 

I've made my own baby food for my other two children, so when my husband showed me we could feed Wyatt real food, I was all for it. But it is more work than regular baby food. Regular baby food, you've got one ingredient, maybe you'll go fancy and make a medley of some sort, but it does not involve 10 different ingredients. Or Cod Liver Oil. (That stuff STINKS!) Then there's all the dishes. And clean up. So, yes, it's a little bit messier. A little bit more complicated. But, I'm happy my boy is getting real food now.

We have started him on a slow regime of 30ml per each feed. So, with the blenderized diet (BD), Wyatt gets 145 ml of Peptamen Jr., and 30 ml of BD. This brings him to a total of 175 ml for each feed. Back in the breast milk/formula days, Wyatt would need 200 mls x 5 to get his caloric intake. Now that his feeds are so much less, they are going much smoother. He's spitting up less, and he can now sit during a feed, and not barf everywhere. Yeah!

Next week, we'll be starting another batch, but dad will be more involved. I told him if he wants Wyatt to get more variety, he's going to have make it! So, stay tuned - next week is dad's turn at the blender!

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